"I love my students and I feel like we have become more connected through this program,"
- Amber Wolfe
Amber Wolfe, Drama Teacher, Cleveland Central High, Cleveland MS, talks about her experience in working with Poetry for Life. She speaks from the heart on using poetry with her former Professor and connecting with him through Shakespeare.
“It benefits the students so much to be able to go to an assisted living facility and meet the people there and see what their life is like. To see the joy and excitement they can bring the people. I want to do it every year.”
-Emily Lemoine, Teacher, Andrews High School, Greensboro, NC
“This was an incredible experience, watching elders respond to youth and youth being fed by their responses. At the school the students were shy, monotone, with no punch to the lines. Once the students went through the warm-ups and modeled their performance on the poet, they had eye contact, better diction, better volume- it was night and day.”
-Banu Valladares, North Carolina Arts
“We’ve Got More Poems to Write”
Sara Primo, Germantown Friends School, Philadelphia, PA
Teacher Sara Primo and her class participated in Poetry for Life on-line training. This is her report on the poetry workshops the training supported. They learned recitation skills including the use of "call and response," to perform poetry with elders and how to create poems by asking open-ended questions around a theme. Click to read Sara's piece.